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Conferenza internazionale "Youth in the countryside"

campagna ungherese

Ungheria, 7-9 Novembre 2011

Si terrà dal 7 al 9 novembre, in Ungheria, la Conferenza internazionale "Youth in the countryside".
L'evento organizzato dall'Associazione giovani agricoltori ungherese, AGRYA, insieme alla rete rurale ungherese avrà l'obiettivo di raccogliere e trasferire le buone pratiche relative alle misure degli assi III e IV dei programmi di sviluppo rurale. 
Tra i temi che verranno affrontati: coinvolgimento dei giovani nei Programmi di sviluppo rurale e progetti innovativi indirizzati ai giovani.
Le domande di partecipazione vanno inoltrate entro il 3 ottobre 2011. 

International Conference"Youth in the countryside"
The Agricultural and Rural Youth Association, AGRYA, in collaboration with the Hungarian National Rural Network is organizing a two days event to collect, present and methodize transferable good practices focusing on the rural development program measures of axes III and IV. These experiences are important and could be utilized in the preparation and implementation of the national rural development program 2014-2020.

The International Conference called „Youth in the Countryside" will be held on November 7-9, 2011 in Hungary (exact venue of the conference: tbc)

Target-groups, participants are representatives of:

  • National Rural Networks,
  • National organisations dealing with youth living at the countryside
  • Young farmers' associations

Working language is English.


  • Youth participation in the preparation and implementation of national rural development programme;
  • Handling of generation problems and their implication in rural development projects;
  • Innovative, special actions of the rural development projects targeting rural youth
  • Involvement of young people and their organization to the strategic planning of national rural development programmes and LEADER Local Action Groups;
  • Participation of youth and their organisations in the communication of rural development programmes, special youth targeted campaigns, trainings;
  • Programmes realised by youth groups and organisations, transferable practices;
  • Projects supporting networking of young people and their organisations.


<Aprile 2024>