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Rural Evaluation News - The newsletter of the European Evaluation Network for Rural Development

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N° 8 - May 2012

In this issue, you will find
- An article that explores the concept of rural environmental public goods and flags up some of the challenges of evaluating their contribution to EU Rural Development.
- The findings of the Focus Groups that took place late 2011 and involved 370 stakeholders across the EU.
- 2012 work programme of the Evaluation Expert Network.
- Findings about the implementation of the ongoing evaluation systems in the Member States as reported in the Annual Progress Reports for 2010.
- News in brief about the 8th, 9th and 10th meetings of the Evaluation Expert Committee, an e-learning course, the methodological assessment of mid-term evaluation reports and a new page on EUROPA about monitoring and evaluation for the CAP post-2013.  http://enrd.ec.europa.eu/app_templates/filedownload.cfm?id=9C8483D9-DDAC-79AB-3D19-9CEC006D7133