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Cooperazione istituzionale - Study visit 2012

The debate of 50 years of common Agricultural policy - perspective of Serbia.

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Study Visit in Italia
The debate of 50 years of common Agricultural policy - perspective of Serbia
In 2012 the European Union celebrates the 50th anniversary of the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), a cornerstone of European integration that has provided European citizens with five decades of secure food supply and a living countryside. Back in 1962, Europeans were predominantly worried about having enough food on their plates. Today food security remains important, but there are also new concerns such as climate change and the sustainable use of natural resources.
What has happened over these last 50 years? And what lessons should we learn for the future? What is the perspective for Serbia in the context of CAP? What is the future of agriculture in Serbia after Serbia join European Union? What are the perspectives in the context of European common agricultural policy?
These are the questions that have been approach in the Debate.
