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European Birdwatching Network





Existing partnership

Municipality of Macedo de Cavaleiros PORTOGALLO, GAL Achaia S.A GRECIA ; Municipality of Roquetas de Mar, SPAGNA, Asociación para el Desarrollo Aljarafe-Doñana, SPAGNA and Association "Local Action Group - Przymierze Jeziorsko, POLONIA were interested in taking part in the project.


Reference area in which DELTA 2000 acts is the Delta of Emilia-Romagna: it consists of 19 municipalities including 13 in the Province of Ferrara and 6 in the Province of Ravenna and includes the territories that are part of the Parco del Delta del Po Emilia Emilia-Romagna and some common pre-park or neighborhood, and environmental emergencies that have historical and cultural interest
It is a complex environmental system formed by the natural environment, rural and urban areas where there is the largest wetland s' Italy, with a territory formed by valleys brackish lagoons, woodland and shrubs. In particular, the Po Delta Park covers a total area of over 52,000 hectares of land considered to be among the most productive and rich in biodiversity with over 280 species of birds ; also its cultural and economic history as a crossroads between East and West kept internally important vestiges of its splendid past. So co-exist in wonderful balance valuable natural and ancient works of art and culture, recognized by UNESCO.

The objective of the project proposal is to create a network at European level among partners (GAL, Parks and other associations and bodies) in order to promote birdwatching as sustainable tourist product, or rather to focus on birdwatching as a way to qualify, differentiate and make more ample and attractive the tourist offer of rural territories with a bend, thanks to the presence of ornithological and faunal protected species. The network creation will allow to GAL and to other eventual subjects operating in territories with similar characteristics to place themselves in the net and to actuate an exchange of know-how, experiences and best practices with reference to the protection of the ornithological and faunal species present in protected areas and particularly in wet lands, as well as to realize joined actions to promote birdwatching. The present project bases itself on the excellent results and exigencies derived from the precedent project A Network of European Wetlands.

Partner searched

- Ecologist Associations
- National and international ornithological organizations
- Birdlife International
- Regional and national Parks
- Other bodies managing protected areas
- Other organizations and interest groups

Name of the LAG

Gal Delta 2000


Emilia Romagna


Dr.ssa Angela Nazzaruolo, coordinator Delta 2000
Strada Luigia, 844020 S. Giovanni di Ostellato (FE) - Italy
Phone  0039 0533 57693 - 57694
Fax 0039 0533 57674E-mail: deltaduemila@tin.it - info@deltaduemila.net
Web site: www.deltaduemila.net


English, Italian.