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Parallel sessions themes

  1. 1) Forests, conservation of biodiversity, landscape protection and public services
  2. 2) Forests, agroforestry and bioenergies
  3. 3) Strategies for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change
  4. 4) Competitiveness of the forest production sector: wood&non-wood products, supply chains and strategies for a forest-based local governance

1) Forests, conservation of biodiversity, landscape protection and public services

What does society require from forests? The role played by Rural Development Programs in encouraging forests to face new social and environmental challenges.

  1. Analysis of measures and actions planned in the frame of European Rural Development Policies for conservation and improvement of Biodiversity and concerning the provision of public services and the protection of rural and forest landscapes;
  2. Trade-off between Biodiversity and forest productivity: how much does Biodiversity conservation cost?
  3. Innovative solutions to enhance the social functions provided by forests within Rural Development: linkages, relationships and synergies with other Policies (environment protection, regional development, national and regional policies...);
  4. Integrated planning for the valorisation of forest public services;
  5. Biodiversity measurement, monitoring and evaluation techniques;
  6. Evaluation of forest social functions.
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2) Forests, agroforestry and bioenergies

Forest management in relation to the production of renewable energy. Utopia or real opportunity for the environment and for the development of rural areas? The role played by Rural Development Programs in supporting agroforestry and forest biomass production/use

  1. Analysis of measures and actions planned in the frame of European Rural Development policies for Agroforestry and forest biomass production/use;
  2. Effects and innovative solutions of Agroforestry system activity on land use: erosion, risk of Soil runoff;
  3. Linkages, relationships and synergies with other Policies;
  4. Innovative solutions within Rural Development for the production and provision of energy from forest biomass;
  5. Short chains and vertical integration;
  6. Measurement, monitoring and evaluation techniques of environmental and socio-economical impacts.
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3) Strategies for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change

How can forestry measures within Rural Development Programs contribute to contain climate change effects on European forests? Which adaptation measures can be implemented? Which strategy could be more convenient in a perspective of climate change mitigation: forest management or abandonment?

  1. Analysis of measures and actions planned in the frame of European Rural Development concerning the provision of public services and the protection of rural and forest landscapes;
  2. Innovative solutions to enhance the social functions provided by forests within Rural Development;
  3. Evaluation of forest social functions;
  4. Integrated planning for the valorisation of forest public services.
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4) Competitiveness of the forest production sector: wood&non-wood products, supply chains and strategies for a forest-based local governance

Wood and non-wood forest products supply: illusion or factual contribution to European economy and employment? Which role can be played by efficient supply chains and by forest-based local governance strategies in empowering the forest production sector in a perspective of rural development? Which contribution from Rural Development Programs?

  1. Analysis of measures and actions planned in the frame of European Rural Development for the competitiveness of firms and the production-provision of raw material for industrial purposes;
  2. Trade off between production/provision of raw material and environmental protection;
  3. Non wood-products
  4. Innovative solutions within Rural Development for firms competitiveness and for the production-provision of raw material for industrial uses;
  5. Linkages, relationships and synergies with other Policies;
  6. Short chains and vertical integration;
  7. Local governance and participatory approaches;
  8. Forest certification.
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