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Call for papers

NEWS: deadline for the submission of abstracts extended till MAY 22

Submission of extended abstracts

Following the instructions reported in the paper format guide, authors interested in presenting case-studies and researches related to the topics of the conference are asked to submit an extended abstract within the 22/05/2011. Extended abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee on the basis of contents, relevance of the subject, correspondence to the overall themes of the Congress and innovation aspects.

Extended abstracts must be related to one (or more) of the themes of the session and should present concrete experiences, best practices, opportunities and constraints concerning the forest sector in the context of socio-economic development of rural areas. Considerations, results and methodologies concerning the evaluation of forestry policies will be also accepted both as papers or posters (eg. methodologies for assessment and evaluation of results and impacts).
Full text papers will be required after the congress to be published online and on dedicated monographic issues of selected thematic peer-reviewed Journals.

Extended abstracts are expected to have the following structure:

  • Summary (300 words);
  • Introduction / background / motivations that characterize the experience / case Study / research;
  • Results and discussion;
  • Conclusion and perspectives;.

Extended abstracts should not exceed a maximum of 2500 words.
Extended abstracts could be accepted for oral presentations, for poster session or even refused. Authors are asked to indicate in the extended abstract whether they submit for oral presentation or for poster session. Notification of acceptance will be provided by email within 01/06/2011. Extended abstract that will not be accepted for oral presentation could be accepted as poster.
Contributed extended abstracts must be sent by email as word document to romaforest2011@inea.it indicating in the email subject "Extended abstract submission for oral presentation" or "Extended abstract submission for poster session".