All indicators Category indicator Indicator N. Indicatori con Valore UE N. Indicatori con Valore IT
All indicators
Socio-economic indicators
CI 1 - Population 810
CI 2 - Age structure 2430
CI 3 - Territory 79
CI 4 - Population density 11
CI 5 - Employment rate 66
CI 6 - Self-employment rate 11
CI 7 - Unemployment rate 66
CI 8 - Economic development 121
CI 9 - Poverty rate 11
CI 10 - Structure of the economy 137
CI 11 - Structure of the employment 137
CI 12 - Labour productivity by economic sector 44
Sectorial indicators
CI 13 - Employment by economic activity 97
CI 14 - Labour productivity in agriculture 11
CI 15 - Labour productivity in forestry 00
CI 16 - Labour productivity in food industry 11
CI 17 - Agricultural holdings (farms) 4644
CI 18 - Agricultural area 99
CI 19 - Area under organic farming 22
CI 20 - Irrigated land 22
CI 21 - Livestock units 11
CI 22 - Farm labour force 2424
CI 23 - Age farm managers 88
CI 24 - Agricultural training of farm managers 2121
CI 25 - Agricultural factor income 00
CI 26 - Agricultural entrepreneurial income 00
CI 27 - Agricultural productivity 00
CI 28 - Gross fixed capital formation in Agriculture (GFCF) 02
CI 29 - Forest area 02
CI 30 - Tourism infrastructure in rural areas 139
CI 31 - Land Cover 90
CI 32 - Less favoured areas 05
CI 33 - Farming intensity 421
CI 34 - Natura 2000 83
CI 35 - Farmland birds index 00
CI 36 - Conservation status of agricultural habitats 00
CI 37 - HNV farming 05
CI 38 - Protected forest 01
CI 39 - Water abstraction in agriculture 10
CI 40 - Water quality 00
CI 41 - Soil organic matter in arable land 00
CI 42 - Soil erosion by water 60
CI 43 - Production of revewable energy from agriculture and forestry 02
CI 44 - Energy use in agriculture, forestry and food industry 06
CI 45 - GHG emissions from agriculture 033